Sometimes a song will get stuck in my head for hours... usually something I've been listening to recently, and more often than not a soundtrack to what's going on in my life. But all week I've had a rewind to high school embedded in the middle of my studies, efficiently making retention of most anything impossible. Sometimes I need an off button for the rest of life, so my brain can focus on what's right in front of me. I can't exactly go back to those distracted, lost hours.
Someone once said that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The flashback just might have been loosely connected to a piece of my own history, a piece that I almost, alarmingly, wrote once again. Anyway, one thing's for sure, the Lord has shown what His presence in my life can do in keeping us on the right path, or all the more often, in bringing us back. Eternity tugs on the heart of every soul, in one way or another... and so does the longing for realization of desires imprinted upon our hearts. Blessings that can only be granted to us by the creator himself, and in His time. The art of "Waiting upon the Lord"... no, the conviction to do so for His Glory, is not something achieved overnight. But not much worth fighting for is won without trial now, is it?
You have permission to laugh all you want ;-) but I have no shame in admitting I liked the artist... and strangely, the video.