Health Care. The very mention of this topic stirs up strong emotions in a large number of Americans. There's nothing new about the polarization of opinions in this country... in the grand scheme of things, it's just the next issue in line, though no less important to address.
In the last couple years I've largely ignored politics and economics, choosing to use my free time more efficiently with personal endeavors, rather than just immersing myself in current events. I get tired of stupidity spewed from both ends of the spectrum... with the spectrum essentially going from "socialists" to "fascists". The ironic thing is how much they have in common.
Like I said, there's nothing new about this fight. And I've largely ignored it because of the self-defeating nature of getting caught up in the debates. We all have a duty to understand what's going on in our own society, but I love to argue for the sake of exploring an issue... often getting myself in trouble because I play "devil's advocate" for the sake of stirring up discussion, ;-) What disgusts me about the political scene is how it tends to make even admirable individuals twist their reasoning for the purpose of taking a specific side they want to defend. Someone pro-life might vote pro-choice to defend who they normally identify with, and vice versa.
But what saddens me the most is seeing others vehemently voicing a side and being naive to what they're defending or attacking. How self-righteous the voices become. And so it goes with the Health Care bill. Next time someone you know voices their opinion of Washington politics concerning the current bill, ask them to summarize what's in it. How about another example... Bin Laden's audio/video tapes he's been releasing since 9/11. Have you ever actually SEEN/HEARD what he has to say? Ever read a translation of his arguments? Neither have I. And that, my friend, is sad. We take popular sentiment and news outlet bias to heart, and do no research for ourselves. Now OBVIOUSLY I'm not pro bin-laden (that would make me devil's advocate in a literal sense lol) it's the principle of the matter i'm trying to get across.
So guess what... I'm not going to give my own opinion. I know, you're heartbroken, lol. I'm just greatly concerned about human nature, I suppose, and how it rears its ugly head in politics. How much Bush was hated by half the country for his abuses of power, and how much Obama is currently hated for what history may or may not judge as the same. How we've become so polarized that someone worthy of praise for a decision would never in a hundred years receive due credit because of previous judgment ruled upon them.
I admire those who passionately defend what they believe in... when they've done their research.
/end rant